Thursday, October 2, 2008

goodies for grandmoms

I guess it ruins the surprise to post this. I've been playing with making digital collages of my son using some favorite photos. I'm either going to make some note cards for me and the grand moms or maybe do photo transfer on fabric to do a story quilt.... something I've never done. The nice thing about saying that I'm going to do it here as opposed to just saying it my head... chances are I might actually do it. I kind of like this cropping, but it would probably have to be in a collage context with several other images for it not to feel accidental. So no time like the present, I better get to researching photo transfer on fabric. Feel free to help me up the learning curve with some nice links. If I end up just doing note cards I won't use this cropping. The grand moms will want to see his cute face.

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