Wednesday, October 8, 2008

legitimate reasons for being late to work:

Stopping to watch construction with young son is always a legitimate excuse for being late to work. This morning we were greeted by a giant backhoe at our backdoor. The construction workers  sipped their coffee and waited patiently for our departure so they could start ripping things up. I loved this cover of a early soviet era children's book I found this morning. It seems to nicely capture the sort of morning we had today. 

With titles like "Mommy's Bridge", these books celebrate the contributions of working women. While it is a bit of a stretch to pull these thoughts together in one post, there is a connection... I spend a lot of time thinking about being a working mom and how to put that into a context my young son can understand and appreciate. I've found most contemporary children's books sorely lacking in celebrating the contributions of working moms. There's plenty of titles about how mommy always come home (so don't freak out OK?) but very few about what she does while she is away. Sometimes you have to look back in order to see the path forward I guess. 

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